September 11, 2010

We ♥ New York

The first four days here in NYC we walked about 35 km and biked the circle around central park twice (about 20 km).  Still so much to see but we've seen quite a nice cross-section of the big apple: buskers on the streets and in the subways (from break dancers, musicians, statutes of liberty and the electronic tin man!), the cities many parks and squares (union square, washington square park, bryant park, times square, and let's not forget central park), all the main buildings to see (Rockefellar Center, Empire State Building, the flatiron, the UN, MSG, New York Stock Exchange and Ground Zero), the many new york neighbourhoods (east village where we are staying, Chinatown, Little Italy, Soho, Noho, midtown, upper east side, upper west side, chelsea and the financial district) and the icing on the cake, we witnessed our first suicide attempt :s.   We can't forget that we also were part of the studio audience for The Late Show with David Letterman (aired Tuesday Sept 7th) and we somehow managed to get front row seats!  Right in front of Dave's desk.  Just amazing!  

As every good Serb should do when in a foreign country, on our first day we managed to come across the oldest Serbian Church in Manhattan, the Serbian Embassy and every Serbian flag out on display in the city.  It was destiny :)

The planning and the architecture in this city is just phenomenal for North American standards ... we spend most of our time staring up and consequently bumping into people.  Toronto has a lot to learn.  It's so refreshing to see that buildings exist that aren't made only of cheap glass.  What a concept! :)  And there's a subway system which consists of more than our two straight lines.  Who would have thought that connecting a city through public transit could be so efficient and convenient.  Yet another noble concept.  Oh Toronto, will we ever get there with our petitions against dedicated street car tracks?! We're not sure but can only hope.  While we are on the subject of transportation, we'd like to make note of the good use of one way streets in this city.  How does one get rid of traffic jams downtown? Convert 80% of the streets to one ways.  If it can work so well for 8.5 million people we're sure it can work for 2.5 million.  But, let's not get ahead of ourselves ... let's first connect the airport to the downtown as every other world class city has and thengo from there!

However, New York, you're not going to get off that easy. Can you please clean the streets once in a while and lock away your lunatics in the institutions where they belong and stop letting them roam the streets and your fine subway system!!

With that, here are a few pictures, and for more, feel free to click on this link (password: 66e7st): 

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