September 4, 2010

So it begins ...

We should probably start off with who we are.

We are a young (relatively), unemployed (definitely) and married (recently) couple. We decided not to go the traditional honeymoon route and opted instead to take many moons.   So, we quit our jobs and are now setting off on a what we hope to be a nine month journey (it all banks on our budgeting skills!).  

We've been unemployed since three days before our wedding (which was at the end of July) and today was our first day of true relaxation.  You would think that being unemployed would be easier than full time work but boy were we ever wrong.  Not that we're complaining but ... yah, we are.  Let us break it down like a fraction: (1) we painted our whole apartment; (2) renovated our kitchen; (3) replaced all of the doors in our condo (long story); (4) packed all of our belongings and moved out of our condo; (5) received a zillion vaccination shots each; (6) were tour guides for our visiting families from overseas (which was a blast!!!); (7) wrote all of our thank you cards; (8) got our visas and bought our trip essentials; and last but not least (9) packed in our itsy bitsy knapsacks (ok, so they are not that small but come on, nine months and only 2 pairs of pants!!!).*  

So here we are, a month and a bit later, 20 hours of sleep combined (and still having nightmares about painting) and we are as happy as can be.  All that hard work was for the greater good .... OUR TRIP!!!!

*we have to admit, complaining aside, we are so thankful that we are able to do this and it beats working any day.

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