September 12, 2010

The Depression Sets In

Day 5: rain, rain and more rain (more like a constant drizzle) :(

Well, no report on the mens final between our man Nole and Rafa as it never took place.  But we can report on the fact that it rained from the time we walked out of the train at Flushing Meadows to the time we got out of the train back in Manhattan.  THEN... the rain stopped!!!  So, the final has been rescheduled to 4 pm tomorrow.  Sadly, we are flying out of NYC at 3 pm.  We can't believe we won't get to see the match at all.* Unbelievable!!!   Anyone out there listening, if you could tape the match and email it to us so we can watch it later, we will be forever thankful :)  Is that even possible?

Too depressed to say anything else.  Speak to you again from the Netherlands ...

*by the way, we tried to change our flight to the following day but it would have cost us almost as much as our flights did combined.  Not happening.  Still so sad.  GO NOLE GO!!!!!!!!

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