October 19, 2010


Ok, so rumour has it someone here is doing a blog ... we keep checking but nothing new.

All joking aside, it has been a while, but we're back in business (at least for now).  Before we get back to our regular posts, we wanted to share our little computer/picutre incident that happened yesterday.  We finally had a window of free internet access which we intended to use to update the blog.  All was running smoothly ... internet working, creative juices flowing, pictures uploaded to the computer ... and then ... DISASTER STRUCK!!! We accidently deleted all of our pictures ... not only from the computer but also from the camera as well.  F**K!!!!!  After 20 minutes of frantically running around and screaming, we calmed down (for the moment) and did what any normal 20th century person would do and asked our trusty source Google.  Some research, a few failed attempts at home with free software and a trip to the store the problem was solved.  97% of our pictures are back ... AMAZING!!  So now we're back in business. 

In case you're wondering, we retrieved the pictures from the camera's SD Card after purchasing a US SD Card reader and fantastic life saving software over the internet (cardrecovery.com). 

And now back to your regularly scheduled program ...

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