October 29, 2010

Beautiful Serbia: Part IV - Sports

In order to ensure that everyone doesn't think that ALL we did was eat while in Serbia, we decided to include a mini blog dedicated to all the sporting activities we participated in which limited our growth to only 10lbs each. 

First there was a bowling night in Zemun where we were introduced to the one they call "Jesus", aka S's cousin Ivan.  The best way to desribe this man's skills is to compare him to Fred Astaire with the only difference being that Fred dances and Ivan bowls.  This was a great night through and through.  No need to talk about the scores as when you are this good (not), scores don't matter.  The important thing is form and looking good when you bowl.  Keep that in mind kids.  Winning is not everything.  
Then we moved to the red clay courts of Jagodina and the surrounding villages.  Here we brushed up on our tennis skills which helped us help Nole beat Federer in the semi-final of the US Open.  A little known fact is that the only reason Nole lost to Nadal in the final is because S&M were half way across the Atlantic.  But this little known fact should stay between us ;)   The  doubles competition was stiff at the Jagodina City Open but the organizers fed us well and lent us pants and shoes to play in.  The rest will remain in the Open's history books for the local people to admire. 

Oh yeah, we also did some mountain trecking and some extreme street walking (caution: don't try this on the streets of your home town).

like we said earlier, it's all about form

this is known as the "crouhing tiger" techique...

this is the "dislocated shoulder" technique

1 comment:

  1. Dobro,dobro ...nisam bas toliko dobaR!!! I'm not that good!! It's all about form :))))
