November 4, 2010

Girona - A Hidden Gem

The main reason we went to this city was to cut our trip to Figueras to see Dali’s museum in half (and because Ryan Air flew to Gerona J ). We only spent an afternoon here but we are so thankful that we did. Gerona is small, quaint and full of history: with it’s old Jewish quarter, massive cathedral and many little bridges crossing the river that flows through it. It was a very youthful town, we guess due to the university located there - with many many many shops, café’s and bakeries (where we had our first penellets de pinyo and churros con crema but more about these in another post). If you are ever in or near Barcelona, this little town 40km north of Barcelona is well worth a visit, particularly with Spain’s clean and efficient train service (Go RENFE!).

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